Before we get started, take a look at Figure A, this offers an illustration of what our example network looks like.
Figure A
Figure A
If you're wondering why using NAT is necessary, it's because we choose
the IP address scheme for the LAN from the blocks of private IP
addresses. Because these IP addresses aren't usable on the Internet, we
must translate these IP addresses into a real Internet IP address, such
as one provided by an ISP.
So, we'll use NAT to provide the IP address translation from our LAN to
our WAN. While most consumer-based routers refer to NAT as a ubiquitous
term, there are a few different kinds of NAT, including static NAT,
pooled NAT, and NAT overload (also called port address translation, or
Consumer-based routers typically use NAT overload, which is what we'll
use for this example. NAT overload involves using a single Internet IP
address and multiple inside IP addresses.
Let's look at the step-by-step process for configuring NAT overload. The
router needs to be in Global Configuration Mode, and the prompt should
look like this: Router(config)#
Create a pool of Internet IP addresses
For this example, we're going to overload a single Internet IP address.
Since this is the only IP address we have, we'll create a pool with only
one IP address in it.
Router(config)# ip nat pool mypool prefix 30
Create an access list
Next, we must determine who the router allows to use NAT to access the
Internet using our NAT pool, which we can accomplish by creating an
access list. For this example, we'll allow the entire internal network
to use NAT to access the Internet.
Router(config)# access-list 1 permit
Create the NAT source list
Now, we must connect the pool and the list of users. We can accomplish
this by telling the router that we want to use NAT from the inside
(using the access list to define our possible source IP addresses) and
go to the outside using the pool that contains our single Internet IP
address. In addition, we want to overload this single Internet IP
address using PAT.
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool mypool overload
Define the inside and the outside NAT interfaces
Next, we need to tell the router which interface is the inside and which is the outside.
Router(config)# interface ethernet 0/0
Router(config-if)# ip nat inside
Router(config-if)# exit
Router(config)# interface serial 0/0
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside
Router(config-if)# exit
That's it.
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