Basic Cisco Router Commands

Router Name>
User executable mode, view but can’t make changes
Router Name>  enable
Gets you to Privilege mode allowing you to make changes to the router
Router Name #                        
Privilege mode, changes can now be made to router
Router Name #  disable
To get back to user mode
Router Name #  exit
To exit router
Router Name # shft+ctrl+6
Break Key
Router Name # write erase
To clear all previous configurations
Router Name # reload
Reboot the router
Router Name # setup
Setup command brings up the configuration dialog box.

Some Router Show Commands

Router Name # sh ?     
shows parameters supported by the router
Router Name # sh int                  
shows status of all interfaces
Router Name # sh int s0             
shows status of interface you selected, ie: s0, s1, e0, e1, ...
Router Name # sh ip int             
view ip parameters
Router Name # sh ip int brief
brief summary of all interfaces and status
Router Name # sh ip route         
shows networks available to interface and routing table
Router Name # sh proc cpu
shows CPU utilization on router
Router Name # sh mem
shows memory utilization
Router Name # sh mem big
to see the largest blocks of memory
Router Name # sh log
to check recent history of router
Router Name # sh version
shows summary of hardware and reason for last reload
Router Name # sh diag
shows more detailed hardware information
Router Name # sh flash
shows IOS file
Router Name # sh run
shows running configurations on router ( version 10.3 and above )
Router Name # wr t
shows running configurations on router (version 10.3 below/above)
Router Name # sh env all
shows current router temps, power supply and general health of router
Router Name # sh env table
shows warning levels for shutdown to take place
Router Name # sh startup-config
shows saved config in NVRAM 
Router Name # sh controllers(int)
shows serial line configurations. Make sure a space is used for int. ie: s 0
Router Name # sh cdp neighbor
shows directly connected neighbors
Router Name # sh cdp neighbors detail
shows detail of directly connected devices: (router, bridge, switch)
Router Name # sh cdp int
shows which interfaces are running CDP
Router Name # sh arp                
shows lan devices and mac address' ( arp table )
Router Name # sh ip arp            
shows the arp table in the router
Router Name # sh protocol
shows which protocols are configured
Router Name # sh ip protocol    
shows routing protocol configured and parameters
Router Name # sh ip route isis
displays all routes in the route table that originated in ISIS
Router Name # sh isis spf-log
displays information on the duration/cause of recent SPF runs
Router Name # sh isis database
displays all information known by ISIS
Router Name # sh isis database detail …
displays contents of entire LSP (add router info, hr1.lga2.00-00)
Router Name # sh isis topology
summary of best path from router to every other router
Router Name # sh ip bgp
lists all routes learned from bgp
Router Name # sh ip bgp <route>
shows BGP information for that particular route, use w/ sh ip rou
Router Name #sh ip bgp community-list
add list # to end of string. Bgp routes that match a given list
Router Name # sh ip bgp filter-list
bgp routes that match a given AS path filter list
Router Name # sh ip bgp neigh(address)
shows the details on a route in the route table
Router Name # sh ip bgp sum
used to view the status of a BGP session
Router Name # sh route-map (name)
show the details of a specific route-map
Router Name # sh adjacency detail
adjacency table used by CEF. Verify router/device is discovered
Router Name # sh ip cef
to view the CEF cache or FIB (forwarding information base) table
Router Name # sh ip cef summary
gives an overview of the cef entries
Router Name # sh cef not-cef-switched
if CEF is enabled, this will show packets not being CEF switched
Router Name # sh standby
displays the information on the operation of HSRP
Router Name # sh standby brief
displays a summary of interfaces running HSRP
Router Name # sh standby (interface)
displays state of the port, hello intervals, MAC address, config
R# sh mpls traffic-eng tunnels tunnel #
displays tunnels between hops in a route masked by MPLS

Some Basic Switch Commands

Switch1> ?
responds with main help menu
Switch1> hist
to view a listing of previous commands used
Switch1> show ?
responds with various show commands
Switch1> show ver
information about IOS and hardware components
Switch1> show module
quick view of status on all modules
Switch1> show port
provides general summary of all ports: errors, collisions, speed, duplex
Switch1> show port (#)
specific information for a individual port
Switch1> show port status
provides single line general summary of all ports
Switch1> show mac (port#)
summary information on what has been sent and received on a given port
Switch1> show test (module#)
if a module is in failed status, show test will show specifics
Switch1> show log
shows history of switch on a per module basis
Switch1> show config
shows configurations on switch
Switch1> show system
shows uptime and levels of utilization
Switch1> show vlan
lists the VLAN's that are resident on the switch
Switch1> show cam
lists the LAN switch transparent bridging table
Switch1> sh cam (mac address)
to locate a single MAC address
Switch1> show cam dynamic
lists all dynamically learned MAC addresses
Switch1> show span
lists info on a port listening/diagnostics feature (switched port analyzer)
Switch1> show spantree (port#)
allows you to see the spantree status of a specific port
Switch1> show trunk
provides a summary of the ports in trunking mode

Some Router Enable Commands

To Enable A Port
·         Router Name# config t
·         Router Name# int   (+ interface you are designating, token ring must put in ring speed 16 or 4)
·         Router Name# ip address _._._._ (mask)
·         Router Name# no shut

To Disable A Port
·         Router Name# int (interface or port)
·         Router Name# shut

To Enable A Protocol
Different protocols will have different instructions below is a generic example:
·         Router Name# config t
·         Router Name# router      (protocol type + any extensions needed in instructions)
·         Router Name# network   (+ IP address)

To Disable A Protocol
·         Router Name# config t
·         Router Name# no router (+ protocol type)

To Change Router Name
·         Router Name# config t
·         Router Name# hostname Jim  (global command)
·         Router Name# ctrl z

From Config T settings:
·         Router Name# ctrl z (to save settings and execute the command)
·         Router Name# ctrl c (starts over, abort)
·         Router Name# write mem (saves everything to NV Ram)
·         Router Name# write t (shows running configurations, also can use show run)
·         Router Name# telnet  (to telnet into another router)
·         Router Name# ip host name (name & address - To Build Host Table - Global Command)
·         Router Name# no host  (to remove a host name)
* On a 4000 series router you must specify what type of media is being used:
·         Router Name# config t
·         Router Name# int (+ interface you plan to configure, ie: e0, s0, ... screen changes, major command)
·         Router Name# media-type 10baseT (or whichever media is being used, sub command)

To Enable RIP
·         Router Name# config t
·         Router Name# router rip
·         Router Name# network (+ network address, ie: )
·         Router Name# int (+ interface you plan to configure, ie: e0, s0, ... screen changes)
·         Config-if# ip address (full statement with subnet mask, sub command)
·         Config-if# no shut  (this logically activates the interface, required at every interface configuration)  
To Enable SNMP
·         Router Name# config t
·         Router Name# snmp server community public    (RO, RW)

To Enable IPX (Novell)
·         Router Name# config t
·         Router Name# ipx routing
·         Router Name# int (+ interface you plan to configure, ie: e0, s0, ... screen changes)
·         Router Name# ipx network (ipx addres
Router Name # sh ipx servers
shows ipx servers on the network
Router Name # sh ipx route      
shows ipx networks seen by the routers
Router Name # sh ipx traffic
shows ipx related protocols
Router Name # sh ipx int                            view ipx address on an interface

To Enable VTY
·         Router Name# config t enable password cisco enter    (global command)
·         Router Name# line vty 0 4
·         Router Name# login
·         Router Name# password cisco

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