tcpdump filters
A common step in troubleshooting is
finding out what not to troubleshoot. With a packet capture you can confirm
things such as routing, firewall rules, and remote services.
Once you can prove that a packet is
coming back, then you can prove that all layers of the OSI model below are
working. For example, if you get an ACK, then you know a few things:
- Layer 1 hardware is probably on and functioning
- Layer 2 Addressing is likely working
- Layer 3 Routing would appear to be working
- Layer 4 Transport is likely working
Session, presentation and
application might not be working at this point, but you’ve ruled out several
things that don’t need to be tested.
You can do detailed packet captures
that look for additional information to verify if layers 5,6 and 7 are working,
but this should save you some time to know that layers 1-4 are operational.
It’s possible that intermittent
errors, or bandwidth related errors could be hiding, and a packet capture can
still help you find this type of error too.
Every serious network and security
professional should know how to use tcpdump.
Here are my tcpdump notes, perhaps
you’ll find them handy too:
tcpdump flags
-i <interface>
Specify which intterface to capture, defaults to lowest
numbered interface
Quick output. Print less protocol information so output
lines are shorter, easier to read.
Show binary and hex data
Do not perform DNS lookup, just show the IP
Show additional information, -vv shows more, -vvv shows even
-s <size>
Size of the Packet, (-s 1514)
Print absolute, rather than relative TCP sequence numbers
src (net)
The source IP of the filter (src src net can be
used to specify a network, in CIDR: (dst net
dst (net)
The destination IP of the filter (dst dst net can
be used to specify a network, in CIDR: (dst net
(src|dst) port
which port specifically, can be named ports, or specific
port. (dst port 80)
-w <filename>
The name of the file to write out your packet capture to (-w
combine filters (and src net
negate filters (and not dst port 22)
filter examples
Here is a list of several ways to
build filters, and some of the more common ways that you might want to view
tcpdump -nS
Very basic communication.
tcpdump -nnvvS
Basic, verbose communication.
tcpdump -nnvvXS
Get the packet payload, but that’s all
tcpdump -nnvvXSs 1514
Full packet capture with all details
tcpdump host
Show traffic to and from
tcpdump src
Show all traffic from
tcpdump dst
Show all traffic to
tcpdump net
Look at traffic to and from
tcpdump port 3389
Remote Desktop example
tcpdump udp and src port 53
specify protocol combined with src port (DNS filter example)
tcpdump portrange 1000-2000
Do you need an explanation? If so, perhaps another article
is better for you.
tcpdump -i any -nnvvXSs 1514 -c 100
src port 443 -w capturefile
Capturing full packet, fully verbose, limit to 100 of them,
with IP and port filter, write to capturefile for later analysis.
tcpdump -nnvvXSs 1514 src net and dst net not dst port 22
Like previous tcpdump filter, but also limiting between 2
networks, and ignoring port 22
way Handshake Troubleshooting With tcpdump
We are able to confirm routing, firewall rules,
and remote service response by looking at the type of packet that comes back:
tcpdump ‘tcp[13] & 2!=0′
SYN messages
tell us that at least our client is sending it’s initial outbound message. If
that’s all we see, then nothing is coming back and routing could be bad, or the
remote server could be down.
tcpdump ‘tcp[13] & 16!=0′
ACK is the
acknowledge message. We can see that the traffic is going all the way to and
from the client/server and the server is responding.
tcpdump ‘tcp[13]=18′
SYN ACK packets
shows active communication between client and server. Routes, ACLs, and
Firewall rules are good.
tcpdump ‘tcp[13] & 4!=0′
RST packets.
RST packets are sent back from the service, so at least you know the path is
good and not blocked by an ACL or firewall.
tcpdump ‘tcp[13] & 1!=0′
FIN packets.
FIN packets are sent back from the service, so you also know path and firewall
or ACL rules are not blocking.
Often, on a network a few hosts will
be infected, but it’s hard to tell which ones those hosts are. Here is a quick
method to help you determine who is spewing the most traffic:
First, get a packet capture of the
data that is of interest to you, you can get basic packets, or all of it if you
want to review it later. In my example I want to review it later, so I’m
capturing the entire packet, with a bit of detail:
tcpdump -i any -nn -X -vv -s 1514 -c 1000 -w packetcap.cap
Next run it through awk to display
some statistical information:
# tcpdump -nr packetcap.cap | awk
'{print }' | grep -oE '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | sort |
uniq -c | sort -n
Which produces:
Now I could use tools like nslookup,
whois, etc to determine what the most trafficked IP addresses are and adjust my
firewall rules accordingly.
tcpdump Output